• admin@commundenver.org
  • 720-688-0256


a clear glass tea kettle with edible flowers and loose tea leaves

Self Actualized Self Care

Imagine that you are standing at the foot of a tall grassy field. If you walk the same way everyday through the field, what is going to happen? You are going to create a pathway, matting down the grass to make a trail. It becomes the easiest way to walk through the field, and your chosen path without consciously thinking about it. This can be true for mental health as well.

by Margaret Bruggar, LCSW

Photo of two young children hugging and laughing

Hablando Sobre ICE

Los/as niños pueden observar, escuchar, experimentar o presenciar acciones/actividades de Inmigración y Control de Aduanas (ICE) de manera directa o indirecta para que los/as niños/as presenten traumas, ansiedad y síntomas relacionados. Hablar con sus hijos/as acerca de este tema podría facilitar que se sientan más seguros/as y preparados/as en caso que se tuviesen que enfrentarse a una situación como esta.

Anti-Racism Resources

"...a working document for scaffolding anti-racism resources. The goal is to facilitate growth for white folks to become allies, and eventually accomplices for anti-racist work."

Document created by: 

Anna Stamborski, M. Div Candidate (2022) 

Nikki Zimmermann, M. Div candidate (2021) 

Bailie Gregory, M. Div, M.S. Ed. 

Resource Directory

Directorio de Recursos
